Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guess who's already 1 month old?!

I have no idea how 4 weeks have already passed by. I feel like i just got home from the hospital somedays... other days, it feels like I can't remember life without you Sydnie-Boo!

At one month old:
*You are holding your head up incredibley well!
*You love to play with your tongue.
*You have started to smile at me!
*You have gone thru on average 90 diapers a week. No, I am not exaggerating! You cry if you are even a tiny bit wet.
*You slept for a 5 hour stretch once so far. Mommy is hoping for more of those nights. :)
*You make the funniest face when Daddy kisses you, because his scratchy beard tickles your face. You sure love your Daddy!
*Sometimes no one but Mommy can soothe you when you are fussy. You will instantly stop crying when you get in my arms. This makes Daddy a bit jealous. :)
We sure love you baby girl! Even though you are getting SUPER high maintenance. I guess you take after Mommy.
Can't wait to see what changes & growth happen over the next month!!

Sticking out that tongue!

In jammies getting ready for bed!

1 comment:

Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

Oh my goodness we have got to get back down and chew on her (though there isn't much to chew on, she is itty bitty huh!?)!