Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Family is the best!

My Mom came & visited.... ( I love my Mom & hate hate that she lives away from us in Arizona... although I don't mind visiting her there in the winter because its warm)

Also, while my Mom was in town, my Grandma was also visiting... she lives in Cali "part time", and visits her home here in Utah a few times a year... and while she was here, we actually got all the cousins together on that side... I'm pretty sure we have not all been together in a picture since we were little kids, like at least 10 or so years ago... there is only 6 of us, but it's been hard for us to ever get together since everyone grew up and went their own ways.... so we had to take a picture!

.... and that's a WRAP! p.s. Family, I LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

I'd recognize that scenery anywhere... it's the haunted house!!!

JuliaDi said...

our family is awesome, i must admit!!