Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a lil' update

Wow, December flew by!
I can't believe how fast time is flying by.... seriously. I only have just over 3 months in this pregnancy before my little baby will be here!
We had a wonderful Christmas & Holiday season... we have been living @ my Grandma's while we have been trying to sale our condo, so this Christmas was our first away from the condo in 6 years! It was weird... and all our Christmas stuff was packed away so we had to improvise & get a tiny little tree for our room... But it was fun! Our last Christmas with JUST US...
Christmas Eve our darling little nephew was born 3 weeks early! He's so cute... and we love him to death! Carter Jared Geurts, welcome to the World! I can't get enough of him... I'm glad my sister in law lets me come over & hold him lots. He's preparing me for what's to come in 3 months. He looks exactly like my brother in law Jared... a total Geurts! Love him.

I had a week off for the Holidays, and I put that time to good use! I got a ton done on my quilt... I just have to sew these little pillow puffs together, & do the border & back! I'm so excited... I can't believe little old me did this... I'm so not crafty. But I'm getting better the more I do this kind of stuff.

And lastly... Here is the latest Belly shots! 25 weeks here... crazy how time is flying and this bump is growing! I just love our little baby so much already. Can't wait for her to get here.

Also during some down time, Dave & I decided to venture out to Babies R Us to start looking at baby stuff... holy cow, that was overwhelming! But we got some good ideas, and know what we want to buy!

Dave wanted to pick out Sydnie a little outfit from her Daddy... how adorable is this! He specifically wanted purple, & he loved the little tutu. So cute. He adores her already.

Well there is a little update! Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season! Sad it's over....


Stacey said...

Kristen, you seriously look so cute!! You and Dave are going to have so much fun when she gets here :) I can't wait!!

Chelsea said...

You are so darling and that quilt... I am so impressed. You are just going to love being a mama, I'm so excited for you!!

Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

Look how cute and preggers you are!!! We need to play soon...I love that quilt that you made, sewing in high school has really paid off for you!

Peggy said...

Kristen, I haven't looked at your blog in a long time.....
sooooo cute!!!! You are soo cute! Love all of your comments and I love your puff quilt!!!!
You are doing it!!!! So excited to hold and see Sydnie!! Cute outfit that Dave picked out!