Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting in SHAPE

So... I think there is nothing in this world I hate more than going to the gym. I've always been able to do just about any diet... I'm super good at diets and eating healthy when I set my mind to it... but as for exercise?? I freaking hate it worse than anything in this entire world. I love how I feel after, and I love the results... but, I absolutely HATE actually doing it. I've never understood those people who say "oh I love working out, it feels so good!" What the hell are they smoking? There is nothing fun about it to me. But recently, I realized, if I want long term results, and to be healthy, that dieting all the time is not going to work. I always do these diets, and lose 10-15 pounds... and look great... but the second I start eating normal, those 10-15 pounds creep back on me before I know it! And I started to get really sick of that! So. The last two weeks, ME, Kristen Michelle Geurts, I have gone to the gym nearly every single night! And I've finally gotten to a point, where I am not hating every second of the work out. I'm loving the elliptical... and last night I was on it for over an hour & burned over 800 calories. It felt amazing to accomplish that, cuz before, the longest I could do cardio is like 30 minutes, before wanting to stab my eyes out.

Anyway... I made a little deal with Dave. I want to lose 15 pounds, and for every 5 pounds I lose, I get a new pair of jeans. MAJOR MOTIVATION! (Little does Dave know these are the pricey jeans!) So that would mean 3 new pairs of jeans when I reach my goal.

I have these pictures in my head when I'm sweating my guts out on that dang Elliptical/Treadmill...

The Big Star Jeans...

True Religion Jeans... (oh & if my stomach can also look like that at the end of this, that would be a super plus!) hahaha

Still deciding on the 3rd pair I want...
Anyway... thats my MOTIVATION! Oh and swimsuit season is just around the corner... I'd look pretty scary if I put on that bikini right now...


C.LEE said...

wow! that's great! i loose motivation all the time because i think "man if i am just going to get pregnant again whats all the work for?" guess i will just lipo after everything is said and done! :)

Stacey said...

You're awesome and you should be so proud of yourself. I'm going to have to follow your lead once I have this baby of mine. Love the jeans too!

Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

Wow~Im all for that lipo business, but if you can get some jeans out of it I say go for it! Trick him and get a new swimsuit on top of it!